Air permitting is complex and dynamic. You need someone who knows the rules, the sources, the controls, and the monitoring.

ESE provides a wide range of air services to the oil & gas, energy, chemical, and manufacturing market sectors. Our air expertise includes air permitting (Permits by Rule, Standard Permits, New Source Review, Title V Permits), air dispersion modeling, onsite auditing and inspections, federal and state regulatory analysis, emissions inventory, GHG analysis, and deviation and periodic reporting.

Additional services include:

• Risk Management Plans (RMP)
• Applicability and Facility Inspections
• Management Plans
• Air Monitoring and Sample Analysis
• Abatement Bid Solicitation & Contractor Qualification
• Abatement Project Management & Oversight
• Permits by Rule
• Standard Permits
• Non-Rule Standard Permitting
• New Source Review
• Title V Permitting
• Prevention of Significant Deterioration and Non-Attainment New Source Review Permitting (PSD/NNSR)
• AVO (NSRP and NSPS OOOO) Inspections
• Emissions Case Studies
• Vapor Recovery Unit (VRU) Emissions Testing
• Semi-Annual and Quarterly Reporting
• Deviation Reporting
• Mass Emissions Cap and Trade
• GHG and ESG Analysis
• CERCLA Reporting Assistance
• GHG and ESG Reporting
• Turnkey Operational Recordkeeping and Reporting
• Emissions Inventory
• Annual Compliance Certification
• Air Quality Audits
• Air Quality Dispersion Modeling

Contact us today to learn more!

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