Dallas Environmental Consultants Real Estate
Welcome to the leading Dallas environmental consultants for real estate. We are ESE Partners, and we have been in the business since 2007 and now operate offices in Dallas-Fort Worth, Austin, and San Antonio.
Our team of scientists and engineers are highly skilled and knowledgeable and they’re ready to work with clients that are embarking on real estate projects, helping them to identify and address environmental hazards that might disrupt their process.
As your environmental consultants for real estate in Dallas TX, we’ll come in handy whether you’re looking to purchase property, develop land or get to the bottom of any liabilities that might be plaguing your existing property.
ESE Partners is ready to serve as your environmental consultants for real estate in Dallas TX, allowing you to effectively:
- Identify and understand the environmental liabilities on your property. Through a thorough due diligence process, our Dallas environmental consultants for real estate are able to identify the presence of contaminants and help you understand the extent of it.
- Upon performing this due diligence work, our Dallas environmental consultants for real estate are then able to quantify these environmental liabilities and measure how they will impact you. It helps putting a dollar amount on the issues so that you can get a better idea of how it affects the bottom line of your business or venture.
- Find ways to address these liabilities. As your environmental consultants for real estate in Dallas TX, ESE Partners is able to provide physical remediation, risk-based corrective action or help you through the environmental permitting process. We want the end result to be a safe, liability-free property that complies with all applicable regulations.
The staff at ESE Partners is ready to go to work on your project. Experience rapid response and quality work from the leading Dallas environmental consultants for real estate. Connect with ESE Partners right now.