Our Projects
Discover featured projects from across ESE Partners’ disciplines: Due Diligence, Remediation, Compliance,
Natural Resources, Cultural Resources, Building Sciences, Sustainability, Renewable Energy.

Air Permit Application
Environmental Science and Engineering (ESE) successfully combined a New Source Review (NSR) permit amendment with Permit By Rule (PBR) authorizations at a bulk aggregate handling facility in Hood County, Texas. The NSR Permit Amendment, identified by Permit Number 83982, aimed to increase throughputs, add a dryer, and expand stockpile acreage. ESE minimized emissions by using Best Available Control Technology (BACT) and consolidating emission points on the Maximum Allowable Emission Rates Table (MAERT), though the consolidation request was partially approved.

LDAR & OOOOB Audit/Reporting
ESE was engaged by a private independent E P company to audit Leak Detection and Repair on several facilities and report subject under 40 CFR part 60, subpart OOOOa New Source Performance Standard for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities.

PBR in Ellis County, Texas
ESE's air team recently conducted a Permit-By-Rule (PBR) permit on a wood production facility in Ellis County, Texas. The air permit required certification and registration through the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, emissions calculations and documentation and submittal via e-Permitting on STEERS.

AVO Inspections for Exploration and Production Facilities
ESE was engaged by a major Exploration and Production company to aid in the development...

SPCC Planning and Compliance for Bulk Storage Terminal Facility
ESE Partners provided a major oil and gas company with compliance support...

Air Permitting: Exploration & Production
ESE was engaged by a major Exploration and Production company to evaluate...

Crushed Concrete Facility in Harris, Montgomery, Brazoria and Fort Bend County, Texas
ESE assisted a major aggregate facility with the following environmental services...

Environmental Compliance Auditing
ESE assisted the client with the submission of Notice of Audit and Disclosure of...

Regulatory Permitting and Compliance
ESE assisted a major exploration and production company evaluate their production...

Industrial Wastewater Permitting
ESE assisted a business involved in aggregate materials sourcing, crushing...

Environmental Compliance Assistance for Aggregate Facilities
ESE assisted a business involved in aggregate materials sourcing, crushing...