Houston Cemetery Documentation And Relocation

There are a number of laws, rules, guidelines, and best practices surrounding historic Houston cemetery documentation and relocation. As irreplaceable landmarks and significant cultural resource to an area, protection and preservation is vital in maintaining its cultural significance.

The investigation provides information about cemetery documentation and relocation in Houston TX, including:

  • How old are the gravesites?
  • Are the graves marked?
  • What are the cemetery boundaries?
  • Is the cemetery associated with a specific family or town?
  • Is the cemetery historically significant to local, regional, or state history?

Laws around cemetery documentation and relocation in Houston TX are outlined by Texas State Antiquities Code and the Texas State Health and Safety Code. Public and privately owned burial grounds are protected under state law and cemetery sites require a court order and notification of next of kin for relocation of graves.

When there are no grave markers or historical data to refer to, archeological investigations must take place. Houston cemetery documentation and relocation can include geophysical survey, mechanical scraping and monitoring, and archival research.

Development over unmarked burial grounds sometimes occur erasing the legacy and history of a given area. When grave sites are found during the planning and survey phase, Houston cemetery documentation and relocation can save important historical resources with a minimum expenditure of time and money.


Environmental Services by ESE Partners

ESE Partners provides responsible cemetery identification and relocation. Following stringent standards, our specialized team records and utilizes the best archaeological data recovery techniques to maintain the cultural and historical significance of the cemetery to the highest degree. We take great care in cemetery documentation and relocation.


Environmental Problem Solving that Can Suit Your Project Needs

At ESE Partners, we provide solutions for Houston cemetery documentation and relocation that can push your project forward. We help industries and their stakeholders understand the environmental risks that development projects can carry and provide working solutions that can keep the project moving forward.

You can learn more about our team of engineers and building scientists by calling our Houston office at 281.501.6100 or submit your project proposal conveniently online.

We look forward to working with you.


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