Project Overview
ESE staff were retained to assess four properties in a rural area near Oklahoma City. The properties ranged from an upstream oil/gas service provider’s facility, a medical clinic, a retail space and farmland with a residence.
The primary objective of this evaluation was to ensure that The Phase I ESAs were performed using ASTM E1527-21 Standard Practice, and the additional scope item of a visual assessment of potential asbestos was included. To identify potential sources of contamination environmental database records were researched, historical sources including aerial photographs, Sanborn maps, city directories, and topographic maps were reviewed, local municipalities and the property owners were interviewed, and the properties were visually inspected.
The due diligence information was used by the client to identify environmental risks associated with the properties in preparation for divestiture.
Services Performed
- Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA)
- Four properties under 5 acres