Leading Provider for Waste Permitting, Planning, and Compliance Services
Are you looking for a reliable partner to help you manage your waste in a safe and efficient way? Look no further than ESE, the leading provider of waste permitting, planning, and compliance services for various industries. We can help you with waste characterization, registration, management, pollution prevention, and more. Contact us today and let us handle your waste challenges with our expertise and experience.
Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) – ESE is here to help
ESE can help you navigate the complex and time-consuming process of collecting, compiling, and submitting the required data to the EPA. We can also help you identify and implement best practices to reduce your chemical footprint, increase your efficiency, and save money.
The Texas Energy Fund and Environmental Permitting
ESE can assist you with your environmental permitting necessary for submitting for the Texas Energy Fund. Deadline is approaching soon – do not hesitate to call us today!
Hurricane Recovery Services
Was your business impacted by Hurricane Beryl? Need an asbestos survey prior to perform necessary repairs from storm damage? Do you need moisture mapping for unplanned water intrusion or a mold assessment? ESE is happy to assist you as we all recover from this natural disaster. From moisture mapping to mold and asbestos assessments, ESE Partners is here for you. Contact us today for your proposal.
Let’s Talk About Asbestos in Texas
If you are planning to renovate or demolish a public access building in Texas (essentially most structures excluding a single-family residence), you will need to have it inspected by a Texas Department of State Health Services (TDSHS) licensed asbestos inspector. Asbestos inspections are required by federal, state, and local laws, and failure to comply can result in fines and penalties, as well as legal liability for damages or injuries caused by asbestos exposure. This is not only for your own safety, but also for the safety of your workers, contractors, and neighbors.
Environmental Consulting: What It Is and How ESE Partners Can Help You
Learn about the benefits of hiring an environmental consulting firm for your project.