ACM & LBP Portfolio

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Services Performed

ESE recently provided environmental consulting support services to the National Aeronautic Space Administration (NASA). The technical support services were completed at NASA’s Johnson Space Center (JSC) and Ellington Field Joint Reserve Base (EAF) in Houston, Texas. The services included asbestos containing material (ACM) surveys and lead-based paint (LBP) inspections for a portfolio of various structures. The services were completed in preparation for the upcoming demolition of thirty-four (34) 1960s era structures. The removal of the 1960s era structures will allow for the expansion of newly constructed facilities at JSC to facilitate NASA’s current mission and focus on the return to manned space flight including missions to the moon and Mars.

The scope of work consisted of maintenance buildings and various storage structures throughout JSC and EAF which ranged in size from 1,000 to over 100,000 square feet. ESE performed bulk sampling of suspect ACM and LBP which be disturbed during the planned demolition activities. Samples were submitted to a licensed and accredited laboratory and analytical findings were reported in individual deliverables for each designated structure.

ESE performed this work with state-licensed personnel and further provided project management, field work, and preparation of deliverables for NASA and their associated representatives. The inspection and reporting were completed in under a month of being given notice to proceed. ESE’s work product was determined to be well received and error free.

Services Performed

  • Asbestos Containing Material Surveys
  • Lead-based Paint Inspections


  • 34 structures
  • > 100,000 square feet