Project Overview
At a bulk aggregate handling facility, in Hood County, Texas, ESE combined an New Source Review (NSR) permit amendment with Permit By Rule (PBR) authorizations to facilitate operations. The NSR Permit Amendment, identified by Permit Number 83982, pertains to a facility located in an attainment county. The amendment seeks to increase the maximum hourly and annual throughputs for the Wet Plant, add a fluidized bed dryer, and expand the total stockpile acreage. This amendment also aims to consolidate a Standard Permit Registration and various PBR registrations. As part of the Best Available Control Technology (BACT) analysis, acceptable control technology was evaluated based on industry standards.
Environmental Science and Engineering (ESE) successfully minimized the number of emission points by identifying negligible emission factors for completely saturated material, as per AP-42 guidelines. Additionally, ESE incorporated emission controls for completely enclosed sources, following the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) published technical guidance. Although ESE requested to consolidate all emission points, including dryers and silos, into a single set of allowable emission rates for each plant on the Maximum Allowable Emission Rates Table (MAERT), this request was not approved. Instead, the emission points were grouped on the MAERT in a manner consistent with other permits in the industry.
Services Performed
- New Source Review (NSR) Permit Amendment
- Permit By Rule (PBR)